Welcome to L&H Life, where we proudly celebrate the remarkable achievements of our exceptional team members and share the exciting updates on our latest projects.
June Anniversaries
June is a month of celebration as we honor the remarkable work anniversaries of our dedicated team members, expressing our heartfelt appreciation for their unwavering commitment, exceptional skills, and invaluable contributions to our organization's growth
Mental Health Discussion
While we remember and honor Nate today, it is essential to shed light on an issue that affects many in the construction industry: mental health.
May Anniversaries
In the month of May, we proudly recognize and celebrate the remarkable milestones achieved by our dedicated employees.
April Anniversaries
As we wrap up the month of April, we would like to take a moment to recognize and celebrate some of our amazing employees who reached their work anniversaries this month
March Anniversaries
March is a busy month for anniversaries, we could not be happier to highlight and thank all 16 of them!
James’s Story featured on Dirt World
In 2009, Michael Scusa died in combat. But his death let his brother James meet his wife and grow his career. Here’s their story, as James tells it.
Women in Construction Week
Meet some of the strong women that keep us running behind the scenes. Each of them plays a crucial role in our day-to-day operations.
“Don’t quit before the music comes on”
We asked Ben to describe something that he has taken away from the industry and applied outside of work: “Skills are cool and all, but what I have gained the most of is confidence and maturity.”
United Sports
Work recently began on our newest project. United Sports is a Premier Sports Facility located in Chester County; the facility features ten outdoor athletic fields and 127,000 square feet of indoor space.
Bringing new life to a D8R
The whole process took 15 weeks; from the time Cleveland Brothers received the machine, up to the time the dozer was back working on one of our sites.